Errors of Omission or Commission and the Path to Absolution
If you choose to do something, you have done it by commission. If you choose to not do something, you have avoided that thing or omitted it, which is omission. It is sometimes difficult to know ahead of time, which is the best choice. Sometimes the result of the choice is good and sometimes it is not so good. Regardless of your choice, you are responsible for the outcome.
Example: I see someone shoplifting. If I report it, I have a clear conscience. If I do not report it, I am equally responsible as the thief, for the price hike that the business has to apply to make up the price of the stolen goods. There are a number of other possible repercussions on both sides of that gate, but I will cover that in another article.
These choices are generally based on a person’s beliefs in what they believe to be right and wrong or the chance of personal gain. Often though people make decisions based on what they feel others will think of their decisions. When a person makes bad decisions because the people they spend time with, this is called “hanging with the wrong crowd.”
I prefer to surround myself with those who acknowledge their flaws and failures (whether to themselves or to anyone willing to listen) and who actively work to improve themselves, than associate myself with anyone who repeatedly makes the same errors (of omission or commission), with no true remorse. It might also keep me out of jail. Unfortunately, no amount of admissions or apologies makes a bit of difference to the beauty or ugliness of a person’s soul. True contrition (a deep feeling of responsibility and regret), along with an attempt to make amends and prevent a repetition, will assist in preventing the souring of a person’s heart.
- Insanity: mentally ill or irrational.
- Doing the same thing repeatedly, while expecting a different result. – Albert Einstein
- Absolution: Forgiveness, whether by God or some person.
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