Games come in many flavors and styles, each carrying its own benefits. People create games at the drop of the hat for the purpose of entertainment and teaching.

Game types include (but are not limited to) board, ball, card, dice, peg, video, chance, challenge, race, and dare.

The dark side of gaming:

Gaming is a diversion, when not taken seriously, but can be as addictive as any drug, driving people to waste every penny they earn in games of chance or every free hour they have on diversionary games. This leads people into neglecting themselves, and their families, homes, hopes, dreams, and goals.

The bright side of gaming:

Many games are useful in improving eye-hand coordination, understanding of the laws of physics, understanding of strategy, math, spelling, and as many more possibilities as there are things to learn.


Try to balance work, home, family, and diversions. As often as you can, include your family in your diversions. It’s soon enough that children run off to live their own lives (often far from home and family), so enjoy your family while you have it near.