Philosophy of Life
on 21July16
at 1840
I have read many philosophies of life, most of which are true. Here are a few:
- Life isn’t about how many times you get knocked down, it’s about how many times you get back up. -Col George A. Custer
- It’s been stated a few different ways, including taking hits and falling down, by different people, but it’s the same sentiment of moving on with your life, the game, the show, etc..
- This is a good one, but it’s true and false:
- It isn’t about whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. -Grantland Rice
- I think this one explains the sentiment better:
- What matters isn’t how well you play when you’re playing well. What matters is how well you play when you’re playing badly. -Martina Navratilova
I just read a beautiful one.
- A father, in an effort to explain the value of life and how dealing with it is important, boils potatoes, eggs, and coffee. The hard potatoes become soft, the fragile eggs with soft innards become hard, and the coffee changes the water into an aromatic drink (thus changing its environment).
- Each person decides what kind of person they will become by how they choose to respond to adversity (the boiling water). You can become soft, you can toughen up, or you can change the world around you. Your choice.
- Author Unknown (If you know the originator, please let me know.)
- Also written with a carrot instead of a potato.
- Each person decides what kind of person they will become by how they choose to respond to adversity (the boiling water). You can become soft, you can toughen up, or you can change the world around you. Your choice.
Please share your “Positive” philosophies regarding life on this article on There are plenty enough other sites that indulge in negativity, that we do not need to do it here.
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